London fashion in California
All of the Lights

West of Camden is hands down one of the best stores in Southern California, situated literally next to the Pacific Ocean. Huntingdon is dominated by Southern Californian surf and action sports stores, so it is refreshing to get a retailer that goes a little left field and offers lines that no one remotely close is able to get their hands on.

London streetwear Los Angeles
The personal touch

The store has some of the best independent men’s and women’s brands out there and luckily for us all of their customers love the London flavor that we bring to the table! It also has a very hands on feel to it, with personal touches all throughout which is so critical in retail today and generates a loyal and frequent customer base.

King London
Rooting through the new lines

Anyone in this part of Southern California who is looking for unique and well thought out British contemporary fashion that none of your friends will have, then get yourselves over to see Lindsey and Adrien and they will give you the full rundown of the latest collection of caps, hoodies, t-shirts, and sweats…all the way from the East End of London.

London Streetwear
